Welcome to our Centre
and thanks for stopping by!
Minnies is based in the heart of the Merivale and Strowan community in a beautifully renovated character villa which offers an exciting, welcoming and light filled environment, surrounded by large outdoor play spaces.
We provide the very best high quality care and education for our children and their families. Licensed for just 42 children, our smaller numbers allow for an intimate and child centred approach that readily adapts to the learning and needs of each child, with the aim of helping every child to reach their full potential.
We provided a ‘Home away from Home’ where we create a culture of warmth, care and respect. Responsive, reciprocal and respectful relationships between teachers, children and whānau are at the heart of all our practices and we treasure our commitment to honouring and respecting te Tiriti o Waitangi, and respect and value our multicultural community.
Our teachers provide opportunities for children to explore a rich curriculum that lays the foundation for a love of learning that inspires critical thought, inquiring minds and creativity. The philosophies of R.I.E inspire and inform our teaching practices, along with free play which is used as a vehicle for learning. Our programme reflects the principles, strands, goals and learning outcomes of our New Zealand early childhood curriculum Te Whāriki.
We are open 7.30am-5.30pm, Monday – Friday
At Minnies, our experienced teachers are warm, welcoming and fun. They guide our tamariki to engage in challenging experiences and treat all children with respect, providing equal opportunities to ensure your child gets the best start in life.
Parents love the rich sense of community that we instill within the centre, and our curriculum at Minnies reflects our philosophy for strong relationships. We value input from parents, teachers, whānau, children and our wonderful community.

Contact us, book a tour or join our waiting list,
we’d love to hear from you! email: office@minniespreschool.co.nz
We understand that your child’s education & care is a priority and that choosing the right centre can be a big decision. We would be delighted to share in your child’s learning journey. Feel welcome to contact us in whichever way is most convenient for you, or visit our centre and meet our Teaching Team!